All Gear Couplings are in stock in our Cleveland, OH facility.
Gear Coupling hubs are available in rough stock bore and all G20 sleeves come standard with exposed bolt flanges. Shrouded bolt sleeves are available but are not standard stock items.
G20 style Flexible Gear Couplings are stocked from size 10FF – 70FF.
G52 style Rigid Gear Couplings are stocked from sizes 10 – 50.
Our Gear Couplings can accommodate shafts ranging from 1/2” – 11” and are rated for 10,000 – 1,100,000 lbs-in of torque.
Our Gear Couplings are half-for-half interchangeable with industry standard product.
Drive Components offers rebore capabilities to fit all your shaft size requirements. We can accommodate clearance fit, interference fit and spline bores.
Gear Couplings can be produced up to size 220FF which has a max bore of 28” and is rated for 24 million lbs-in torque.
G52 Rigid hubs are available up to size 70, 13” max bore and 1,100,000 lbs-in torque.
Other types available include: G32 Spacers, G52 Floating Shafts.
Gear Couplings are designed to provide a mechanical connection between the rotating shafts of mechanical equipment, using gear mesh accommodate inherent misalignment while transmitting the power and torque between the connected shaft.
1) Mount Flanged Sleeves, Seals and Hub
- Examine the coupling assembly to insure there is no visible damage.
- Clean the hub bores and shafts using lint free cloth. Remove any nicks or burrs.
- When assembled, the keys should have a close side to side fit in the keyways in the hub and shaft with a slight clearance over the top of the keys.
- Place the flanged sleeves with oil rings on shafts before mounting flex hubs.
2) Straight Bore with Clearance / Slip Fit
- Install the keys in the shaft.
- Check to be sure that the set screws in the hub do not protrude into the keyway or the bore. Remove or back out the set screw to provide clearance during assembly.
- Slide the hub up the shaft to the desired axial position.
- Assemble and tighten the set screws using a calibrated torque wrench.
3) Straight Bore with Interference Fit
- Accurately measure the bore and shaft diameters to assure proper fit.
- Install the keys in the shaft.
- Heat the hub (275°F) in an oven until the bore is efficiently larger than the shaft.
- When the hub expanded, install it on the shaft to the desired axial position.
4) Taper Bore
- Check for acceptable contact pattern between the hub and the shaft.
- Put the hub on the shaft, keeping the keyways aligned.
- Lightly tap the face of the hub with a soft mallet. The resultant position will provide a starting point for the hub axial draw up.
- Use a depth micrometer to measure the distance from the shaft end to the hub face, and record the dimension.
- Mount a dial indicator to read axial hub advancement. Alternatively, the indicator can be positioned to contact the end of the hub.
- Remove the hub and install the keys in the shaft.
- Heat the hub (350°F) in an oven until the bore is sufficiently larger than the shaft. Do not exceed 500°F.
- When the hub expanded, install it quickly on the shaft to the “zero” set point. Continue to advance the hub up the taper to the desired axial position.

5) Shaft Alignment
- Use an inside micrometer or a spacer bar equal in thickness and at 90° intervals to measure the distance between hubs to gap.
- The “Angular Misalignment” value is the maximum difference between the measurements X and Y taken at opposite ends of the flanges.

6) Sleeve Installation
- Insert gasket between flanges and gap disc into counter bore of each rigid hub for floating shaft assemblies, and bolt flanges together.
- Check the alignment of the coupling. Determine “W” by measuring distances “W”max and “W”min between flex hub and sleeve using a depth micrometer or feeler gauges. The difference between “W”max and “W”min must not exceed the “W” value.
- When the hub expanded, install it quickly on the shaft to the “zero” set point. Continue to advance the hub up the taper to the desired axial position.

Annual Maintenance
- Check alignment. If the maximum operating misalignment values are exceeded, realign the coupling.
- Inspect oil-ring and gasket to determine if replacement is required.
- Re-lubricate coupling if using general purpose grease until an excess appears at an open hole.

Alignment Data
To improve the service life of the coupling, shafts should be aligned to minimize deflection of the flexing elements. Shaft alignment is required in the axial, parallel, and angular directions, with each of these values not to exceed the recommended installation limits. Shaft alignment can be measured using various established methods, including Laser Alignment, Reverse Dial Indicator, and Rim and Face.
Gear Coupling Types Available